Information Technology Degree (Online), AAS
Be on the fast track to a career in information technology. In just 16 months, 你可以在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站完成信息技术应用科学(AAS)在线学位. 你将学习有关计算机的所有课程,从硬件到网络再到网络安全.
SJC专为在职专业人士设计信息技术专业学位. 我们提供所有的在线课程,你可以在四周的时间内完成大部分课程. Learn more about this fast-growing field and our program, and begin your road to a career in IT today.
Why Study Information Technology?
信息技术(IT)使用计算机系统和网络来处理、存储和发送数据. 这包括从产品设计到软件开发再到数据保护的方方面面. 资讯科技专业人员根据他们的技能和专业知识从事不同的工作,他们可能负责以下工作:
- Maintaining hardware and software
- Troubleshooting technical issues
- Developing and implementing new systems
- Securing sensitive data
在当今的数字时代,IT对于各种规模的企业和组织都是必不可少的. 通过培养IT技能,你可以在网上银行、社交媒体、电子商务等领域工作. 通过获得信息技术AAS学位,找到一个有需求的职业,成为一名熟练的IT专业人员.
Flexible Online IT Program
在SJC的快速通道项目中,在不到两年的时间内启动您在信息技术领域的职业生涯. 您可以在短短16个月内完成我们的在线信息技术AAS学位课程. In addition, 该项目的课程为期四周,这样你就可以一次专注于一门课. 在这种加速的方法中,你将在晚上参加在线课程. 如果你不能到场,我们甚至会提供录音.
Want to get started right away? 我们每个月都提供课程,这样您就可以在方便的时候开始在线信息技术AAS课程!
IT Program Perks
SJC希望帮助您拥有成功IT职业所需的所有工具. 我们提供各种福利,这将有助于你的课堂作业和职业生涯:
- Free Books and Software: The Information Technology AAS core courses are all-inclusive. 这意味着你的注册和费用包括购买这些课程的书籍和软件. 注:您可能需要单独购买非it课程的书籍和用品.
- Computer Upgrade: SJC将为您提供礼品卡,用于购买计算机升级的组件.
- Certification Exam Vouchers: Get vouchers to take IT certification exams for free.
- Membership to ACM (Association of Computing Machinery): Gain membership to ACM, the world's largest computing society. 它提供的好处可以促进你的职业发展,比如免费培训、书籍、视频等等.
- LinkedIn Learning: 获得专家主导的培训和学习机会,这将有助于你的职业发展.
- Microsoft Azure Developer Tools for Teaching: 使用专业的开发工具和软件来学习制作游戏, 应用程序, and websites at no cost.
- TestOut LabSim: Practice your skills using LabSim's IT simulations. Free for SJC IT students.
CompTIA Academic Partner
CompTIA is a leading IT industry association. SJC is proud to be a CompTIA Academic Partner, 这意味着我们的IT项目符合最高的行业标准,并且紧跟最新趋势.
我们的信息技术AAS计划将其学习成果映射到特定的CompTIA认证. That means you'll be able to pass their certification exams, which are important for qualifying for IT jobs.
Certifications include:
- CompTIA IT Fundamentals
- CompTIA A+ Hardware
- CompTIA A+ Operating Systems
- CompTIA Network+
- CompTIA Security+
Affordable Online IT Degree Option
With SJC's low tuition rates and the growth in the IT industry, 获得信息技术AAS证书对您来说是一项极好的投资. 您可以灵活地学习我们的在线课程,并获得所需的支持. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.
学习计算机系统和网络与SJC信息技术AAS学位课程. 您将学习重要的主题,从网络支持到网络安全工具. 发展获得CompTIA和微软认证所需的知识和技能, which will help you stand out in your career search.
In your program core courses, you'll take:
- One business class (Introduction to Business)
- Three computer science courses in programming and spreadsheeting
- 11 information technology courses
Your IT courses covers topics such as:
- Cloud technologies
- Computer hardware
- Cybersecurity
- Databases
- Linux operating system
- 微软平台和服务,如微软Azure和微软365
Information Technology AAS Curriculum
Transfer Options for IT Graduates
许多SJC信息技术学院的学生一毕业就开始了自己的职业生涯. 如果你想继续你的教育,获得学士学位, 我们的顾问可以帮助您找到最适合您的课程和学术途径.
SJC与新墨西哥矿业与技术学院(NM Tech)建立了合作关系。, which may accept many of your courses.
Other schools that you may consider transferring to include:
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Fort Lewis College
- Georgia Tech
- Northern Arizona University
- The University of New Mexico
- The University of Arizona
- University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
- University of Colorado - Denver
Meet with your advisor 如果您希望转学到上述任何一所院校攻读计算机科学或类似领域的学士学位. 你需要协调你在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的课程和转学机构的要求.
Learn More 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 the Transfer Process
Careers and Outcomes
SJC的信息技术AAS课程为您在这个快速发展的领域的令人兴奋的职业生涯做好准备. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 从2021年到2031年,计算机和信息技术行业的就业人数将增长15%. 作为一名毕业生,你将拥有在令人兴奋的IT行业取得成功所需的知识和技能.
Our online IT program graduates have found work as:
- Cybersecurity specialists
- Information technology specialists
- Network support specialists
- City of Farmington
- 英特尔
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratories
Next Steps
报读资讯科技应用科学副学士课程, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!
If you are already a student at San Juan College, 与您的顾问讨论我们的信息技术AAS和您的转学选择.